Cyber Security Post-Covid:
Where does it start? Where does it end?
Join us for our next Live Talks session
A New York law firm with A-List stars clients like Lady Gaga, AC/DC, Rod Stewart or Robert De Niro was last month the victim of a high-profile ransomware attack. Hackers claimed to have 756 gigabytes of confidential data including contracts and personal emails. The firm refused to pay the $21 million in ransom. In retaliation, the hackers leaked 2.4 gigabytes of data and reportedly increased the ransom demand to $42 million. The same group of hackers previously attacked foreign exchange company Travelex with ransomware in January.
The Covid-19 crisis has forced businesses to rapidly scale-up the level of remote working, increasing the inherent security risks associated with home networks and personal devices. The security landscape was already a challenge for organisations before the Covid-19, and now the new situation creates a platform for even more hostile threats.
Lockdown measures are being eased in many countries, and offices are seeing some employees coming back to work, while a significant part of the workforce is asked to continue to work remotely for some time.
In this unprecedented context, what does the new Cyber Security situation actually look like?
This live session will focus on:
● The state of post-Covid cybersecurity
● How to build a strong cyber security posture?
● How to manage a cyber-attack situation?
● Reputation risks and how to communicate during and after a cyber-attack?